getting to know

Stable in Bedlam
More to Life
Courage to Come Back

Tapestry, CBC Radio, April 27, 2003, "Exploring Madness"


Michael Armstrong interviewed by Frank Falk

Exploring the life of the author, Michael Armstrong, and his book "Stable in Bedlam".

"I liked to please adults".
Part of high school gifted students program.
Devout Catholic mother, agnostic father.
Six year old altar boy, Latin mass

First psychosis: The intensity of the summer of 1970 at Columbus Boys’ Camp, Orillia

Second psychosis: 1977/78 The American boyfriend who had to leave.

Third psychosis: Call to the Bar, 1979

I don’t hear voices, I intuit my activities. Surviving a 5 year suicidal depression through family support, and community volunteering which lifts me up.

Psychotic theme: Messianic complex, grandiose ego, divinity in our hearts, Jesus is here, great bliss, substantial emotional content of my memories. No bitterness. The value of people. Touched by God.. Depression a heart murderer.